Sunday, May 06, 2012

Marvel's The Avengers

Ok, I have to start this by saying that we're going to see this again in the theater. Not only because it was good, but because we missed some lines of dialog due to laughter throughout the theater at times. We're hoping we'll be able to get to a showing somewhere perhaps next weekend that won't be so packed with people and we;ll be able to hear. Second, we show this at the ShowPlace ICON theater, and the only showing available was in 3D. Now, the 3D in this movie is actually not overly noticeable. Not in a bad way mind you, it's just done in a way that seems almost natural. While you watching the movie, you almost forget it's in 3D (except for the glasses you're wearing). For me, those glasses tend to 'dim' the picture to a point that it's not nearly as bright or vivid as I'd like. So our second showing will be in 2D for sure.

Having said all that:

Must See, Must Own...   MUST MUST MUST!

I hope they get this to blu-ray before Christmas.

This is seriously one good movie. I'm not normally vocal at all during a movie. This one had me laughing, and at one point giggling like a school girl (there's are apart during the big fight when Loki faces off against the Hulk). I still giggle when I think about that scene.

This is one hot film. I'm not going to sum it up so I don't throw any potential spoilers out for folks since this is still opening weekend. Just go see it.

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