Monday, August 23, 2021

Free Guy - Marcus Rosemount Theater

 I liked it.

I'd thought of this concept several years ago while playing an MMORPG called "City of Heroes". Plenty of NPC's in that game that all do relatively nothing. I liked the idea of thinking they had regular daily lives and routines they did when we players weren't looking.

That's kinda what this movie is about after a fashion. Really though its about two young programmers who sold their work to a bigger company to have it put up as an online game, only to see it get shelved. That company in turn took their work, built on it directly, and marketed it as their own online game. They didn't give credit, didn't provide royalties or acknowledgement of the prior work this was built on.

One of the programmers/creators works for the company now, the other is a paying customer of the game that has been searching through it looking for proof that this is their stolen creation.

In the midst of all this, an NPC in the game (non-playable character) is hoping for more from his life, to meet the girl of his dreams. This desire comes from the artificial intelligence programmed into the basic code of the game from the stolen program.

He eventually meets up with the second programmer in the game and together they search for the proof she needs.

I'm over-simplifying the story a bit, but that's the gist of it. It was a fun movie which I really enjoyed. It didn't take itself too seriously, didn't partake in any of the SJW or 'woke' crap that has been flying around for the last couple years (at least not that I noticed). It was a fun take on an alternate reality, both entertaining and fun. It was also easy to follow for people who aren't fluent in the gaming lingo.

Go see it, in the theater (if you can or feel comfortable doing so) before its gone. It's worth the ticket price.

I have seen it, will likely see it again in the near future, and will absolutely purchase this on disc and digital when its available.