Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DVD's we purchased recently

Over the last week we purchased Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Blu-ray (third Narnia movie), Tron (re-release) on DVD and Tron: Legacy on Blu-ray.

We really liked Legacy, saw it in 3D in the theater the weekend it opened (don't know if we had a review up for that or not, I can't recall and I don't have time to look). The Blu-ray doesn't disappoint either; we got the 4-disc set with all the extras. Seems there is a short film on there called The Day After where they try to piece together everything that happened from the end of the first movie up to the end of this one, and then show how the characters are moving the next day to make change for the better. They also introduce a couple new faces that I wouldn't be surprised to see in a third Tron film.

Tron we bought just because it's hard to find now. Yeah it's cheesy and campy and such, the effects aren't great by today's standards and such, but to know one you have to know the other. That and I still get a little bit of the child-like awe and wonder when I watch it (I was a child when it first came out, and like Star Wars I had to see it more than once).

Dawn Treader we missed in the theaters (our fault, got distracted with trying to buy a house and all) and since we liked the first two we figured we couldn't go wrong with just buying the third and be done with it. Mistake one - watch it before you buy it. I wasn't thrilled after seeing this movie. It seems to me that they're just retreading (no pun intended) the same style or type of story over and over. This one was very predictable, I seem to have missed the climax (or didn't realize it occurred when it did) and I kept waiting for the end (which was also predictable). I haven't read all of the books for this series so I'm not familiar with it, and yet I seem to be able to nail down within 80% or more what is going to happen in each scene with this movie series. Very disappointing that is.

That's it for the TCR Week on Disc (had to come up with a name didn't I??). We'll do more DVD and Blu-ray reviews as we see or purchase them.


Movie - Give it a B- overall.

It was interesting, thoughtful and thought provoking, but not an action flick or high drama kind of thing. I'd still try to see it in the theater before it goes away, and it's definately worth a $1 rental when the DVD comes out. Don't think I'll be buying it because to me it feels like a movie you see once in a great while. By the time it shows up on TV, I'll have forgotten enough about it to be interested in seeing it again, but probably not before.

Still, we did enjoy the film and are both glad to have seen it in the theater. I'd suggest a matinee for the theater as well.