Friday, December 28, 2007

I am Legend

Something I think I want to see...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

News of the New...

We've known about this for about a month now, but haven't said anything to anyone since we wanted to surprise our respective families on Christmas.

Maryanne is pregnant. Great news and all, but she's been having a rough time with this over the last couple weeks (feels very sick, can't eat, no energy, etc.). As such, we probably won't be going out too often for the next few months until we (she) can get a handle on the morning sickness and stuff.

I would go myself to some movies and stuff but that's just not very much fun now is it?

Still, we have watched some movies over the last week. Watched Spiderman 3 again on DVD, and enjoyed it again. We watched Sleepy Hollow (Johnny Depp version) on TV and enjoyed that again. And we're still planning to see some of these newer movies when they come out on DVD for rental and stuff later in the month and into next year.

So, we'll be doing reviews, just not as often as before.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Chili's, Maplewood - Sometime early December

I have to apologize for this review being so late, but things have been happening lately (see early posts).

His Perspective: D

She ordered a fajita combo (steak and chicken), and I ordered the Cajun rib eye.

Her first plate of food was not a fajita combo, so we sent it back. The waitress returned shortly after with the proper food saying that she called for the wrong order.

My steak on the other hand was not very good. I ordered it medium, got it medium-well to well done, and it wasn't at all tasty. I expected Cajun spices and such since it was a Cajun rib eye, and all I got was char. Also, for a rib eye, this was a very tough piece of meat. I've bought rib eye steak at the market, grocery store and butcher stores. I've prepared them in the oven (broiler), on a grill and on a camp fire. I've never had a rib eye as tough as this was. Maybe the cook was having a bad day, maybe it was just a bad cut of meat (it happens), or maybe it was just prepared wrong. Regardless, I didn't eat more than half of it and I kinda lost my appetite after that.

Won't be going back here for awhile.