Friday, May 09, 2008

A few things we need to catch up on...

We've both recently had visits to the hospital. Mine was uneventful and not terribly informative. Hers was to get her gall bladder removed (fun!).

So, we've been quite busy with other things. But never fear, the reviews are here!

La Casita restaurant; Roseville
The food was fine, but our server needs work. He was on a strict 10 minute rotation. I know this because I had my stop watch running. It was so strict that my drink refills came 9 or 10 minutes after I asked for them. Not cool.

Bennett's; St. Paul
Umm... yeah. Bennett's has the look of fine dining with cloth on the tables, cloth napkins, etc. BUT it's a bar and restaurant. The bar patrons are generally loud, and the TV's placed all around are generally loud (even afer they get turned down cause someone asks to have it turned up again). The food was ok, and our server was attentive, but she forgot a few things when the food was first brought to the table. Maryanne asked for bearnaise for her steak, but got hollandaise instead for example. The mushrooms for her steak were brought on a seperate plate with the hollandaise, and were as cold as the hollandaise was. We ordered the same steak cooked the same way. Mine was over cooked on one end, undercooked on the other. Hers was just generally overcooked. My after dinner drink of choice, Irish Coffee, was in my estimate 90% whiskey and 10% coffee. Very very strong, which made it very very not pleasent to drink.

Sorry. It seems we're forgetting one review. We got so busy with life threatening issues that we've forgotten it. Regeardless, we're both mostly healthy again so we can get back to work now.

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