Friday, June 27, 2014

Cloud Atlas - Blu-Ray

OK, ok, I know this is from Blu-Ray and not the theater, but we couldn't get out to see it at the time. In fact I'm the only one out of all of us that has seen it.

That being said...

Rent it.

Not to destroy the story line for folks that still haven't seen it...
The way they jumped back and forth through the different stories or parts of stories was a bit infuriating at times, made it difficult to keep up with everything. I'm still trying to figure out what the thing in the past was that sparked the thing in the future. Was it the music? The repeating message about equality and acceptance? Honestly, I think I'd have an easier time if I ripped the movie onto a computer, and recut it to put all the same-story bits together, and then put those larger bits together in chronological order.

I found this movie hard to get through, mostly due to the already noted jumbling of timelines and story bits. The acting for the most part was fine, with a well known actor doing his best to be different in each case (and mostly succeeding) and another well known female actor seeming to reprise roles/character types that she has already done before (read: limited range of characters).

If I wathc this again (or a couple more times), I might change my mind as I start collecting and remembering enough information about each bit and segment to start piecing things together in a more coherent way.

For now....   I'd have better spent my money on something else. I bought this based on the many glowing reviews, and I'm usuaully not disappointed when I do that. In this case I kinda was.

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