Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

Umm... I've seen this before. Wasn't it called Star Trek? Where the lil' ship has to fight the big ship and win, David and Goliath style? Pretty sure I've seen that one already.

Long movie for how much entertainer value it has. When the hell did Kirk developed a Tony Stark anxiety complex??? Wholly out of character.

The opening to the movie was fun (first scenes). After that it became terribly predictable and to a degree increasingly difficult to watch and take seriously. After I figured out that it was going to be a big ship vs little ship battle again, I lost interest. 

Hey, movie people! If you're going to reuse a storyline in a new movie, be sure you do something different so it isn't so obvious.

Was the movie overall entertaining? Sure. Should you see it in the theater? Only if you feel a need to see it on a big screen. I'd do a matinee show regardless (which we did).

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