Monday, December 26, 2011

MI4: Ghost Protocol

Her perspective: A

Ethan Hunt is back, but this time, the entire IMF is disavowed due to an attack on the Kremlin that is being blamed on Ethan and his team. Now that we're done with what you could have seen in the previews...

Very action-packed and I was so drawn in that I was gasping, laughing out loud and even couldn't stop myself from making a comment in the theater (don't worry, I kept it to 1-2 words and spoke softly). The plot kept moving at a good clip - there was only one slow spot that I noticed. I am going to buy this as soon as possible. I haven't liked a movie this much since X Men: 1st Class and I think I actually liked this one better. Definitely more action and more fast paced. I can't blame 1st Class, though, it's the type of movie that requires a more thoughtful plot.

I'm not going to give anything away, so no spoilers. Suffice to say: GO SEE THIS MOVIE AND BUY IT ON DVD! :)

See my review on the theater also. It didn't fare NEARLY as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very predictable but still a likely and well made film. And when I say predictable, I mean I could see in my mind and my train of thought what was going to happen next in the film. Though I did miss on one account as the previews and trailers led me to think one thing, but it turned out to be something entirely different (and far less interesting).

Still a good film, and if I don't get this on BD when it comes out, she'll kill me.