Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tin Cup - July 26

Definately an A- or an A

Tin Cup closed quite a few months back, and we had eaten there once before we started doing these reviews. Suffice it to say it was dark, dark, more dark, and not worth the money for the slop you got for food.

New owners came in, did a bit of remodeling, added some much needed windows and paint, new furnishings, did away with the smallish buffet-style table thingy in the back, revamped the menu and many other changes.

Walking in this time, we wouldn't have recognized the place from our prior visit.

In short: The food was great, the service good to great, the drinks were tasty (we only had a few, but it was a varied selection on her part). We used to think Matt's Bar in Minneapolis had the best Juicy Lucy (or Jucy Lucy if your a Matt's regular) but the same burger here will easily give Matt's a run for the money. Bigger, meatier, and terribly tasty (I almost had 2, which would've also meant I'd have to be rolled back out to the car as I'd not've been able to walk). The fries are tasty, even the cheese curds were tasty (though I didn't get the ranch dressing the menu says they come with, still good without it).

The bartender was chatty, well informed, and apparently worked at Tin Cup before it closed as he knew quite a few things about the prior owners and how things were operated and such. He was friendly and outgoing and we enjoyed chatting with him.

The liquor selection seems smallish, but I'll bet that once word starts to spread about the new Tin Cup and business starts to pickup and they've got more money to spend on supplies, that selection will grow as will the menu.

The current menu is not large but is varied. They had a selection of sandwiches and wraps, 4 versions of the Juicy Lucy (try the Lucifer), and a small selection of appetizers. I also noticed upon entering that they seem to have a nightly or weekly special as a lighted sign was advertising an entree that wasn't on the menu.

We will DEFINITELY be back here again, and soon. The place looks good (a nearly 100% turn-around from our prior visit), the food was good, the service was good, the drinks were good... it was all just good! Such a pleasent experience considering the kind of garbage we usually run into at most other restaurants.

We both really do recommend you try it out at least once, and form your own opinion (I'll bet you'll give them at least a B rating).

As proof of that, here's where it is:

Google Map Link to Tin Cup


Anonymous said...

Agree, agree, agree. 180 degree turnaround. We were greeted by the bouncer, who really sounded sincere in welcoming us (not the obligatory welcome you usually get with hosts). And the bartender actually talked to us!! This hasn't happened to us in a long time. He made us feel like we were getting to know a new friend rather than just another customer. Thanks, Robin! Spread the word about this place - I've already told all my co-workers.

Anonymous said...

We forgot about the trays at the bar. They're like little table tops that hook onto the bar and give you space to eat. They're very cool - a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Well, some time has passed since we did this review. We've eaten here many-multiple times since then and enjoyed it just about every time. We've moved south now and are no longer int he area, but I still plan to make an occasional foray north to eat here again.