Thursday, November 08, 2007

Mission American Kitchen - November 7, 2007

Her perspective: B+

I have been to this restaurant twice now for lunch and have had an excellent experience both times. The reasoning behind the rating is that there were no problems with food or service, but there was nothing "over-and-beyond" impressive about it. It's what I should be able to expect at any restaurant. I will be comparing other restaurants to this one as the standard for what should happen.

Even though I came in by myself both times, I was treated just like any other party. They did not skimp on the service just because I was the only one at the table (which happens all too often, not as high of a check, not as high of a tip, "so why should I work hard for one person?"). This is a fine dining restaurant and I can't wait to try it for dinner.

Both times I ordered the lunch sirloin, medium. It comes with a bacon hollandaise sauce, which it to die for! It is served with french fries that have a wonderful seasoning, but I couldn't quite place what it was. I usually don't eat many fries when they come with my meal, but I ate almost all of them because they were so good. The steak was always perfectly cooked and the service was impeccable both times.

I would highly recommend this restaurant based on these two visits. If you have the money, go.

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