Thursday, July 12, 2007

Transformers - July 6, 2007

Her perspective: Must See

Synopsis: In 2003, the Beagle Mars Rover was launched. We were told that it crashed. It's final transmission was classified top secret. It was the only warning we were given. Now the dueling alien races of the Autobots and the Decepticons have brought their battle to earth and the future of humankind is hanging in the balance. It's their war, but it's our world!

Review: This is one that you need to see on a big screen. The fights are a bit hard to follow due to the constant "morphing" while the action is going on. The special effects are quite impressive, though, and the story line is a little slow moving at times, but very well thought out. The writing was great, with quite a bit of humor. I was also impressed that they were able to use the original voice of Optimus Prime.

However, if you know nothing about the Transformers going into the movie, you will be somewhat confused. I knew a little bit from watching bits and pieces of the cartoon when I was little, but I never got into it, so I didn't fully understand everything.

Shia LaBeouf is really coming into his own establishing himself as a leading man. However, I think he will always be an underdog type character. Josh Duhamel was excellent in a military role and I think we will be seeing much more of him.

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