Monday, June 18, 2007

Fantastic Four, Rise of the Silver Surfer - June 16, 2007

Her perspective: Must See

Synopsis: The Silver Surfer comes to earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Doctor Doom, before all hope is lost... all while Reed and Sue are trying to get married.

Review: In the true style of the Marvel films, this movie is fast-paced, with plenty of action and suspense, which is the mark of good writing and directing. There are several spots that are hilarious, mixed with a few serious spots. They could have done more with Johnny switching powers, and they never explained how he kept his flame power when he took on the other three powers. Not having read the comics, I thought I might not be up to speed on the characters, but they did a good job of making the movies "stand alone" so you don't need to have read the comics. I was wishing that they had explained the science a little more behind separating the Silver Surfer from the board as well as separating Dr. Doom from the board. I also think that the final fight could have lasted longer and been a bit more involved.

Over all, though, if you just want to sit back and watch a Marvel film, it's a good one and I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

William said...

His rating: Wait

I expected a lot more from this movie. They didn't deliver.

Don't get me wrong here, they told a good story and it was enjoyable to watch. It just seemed slow and jerky to me.

Unless your a big Marvel fan or something, wait for the rental or the cheap theater.

I will however probably end up buying this on DVD when it comes out. Kinda like Star Wars, I expect the the third movie to make up for what the second one lacked and be a huge smash. Since I hate having gaps in my video collection, I'll get it just to have it on hand.

Still, it was fun to watch, I'm just not sure that it's worth $7-10 for a ticket. Wait for a matinee showing or cheaper tickets at the bigger theaters (the regular sized movie screen is required to get the full scope of this flick).

If your a fan of the the heroes or the Marvel brand, then blow the money and go tonight.